
Linux Tutorials: How to troubleshoot Linux Server?

If a linux-build-server suddenly starts getting slow, I would divide my approach / troubleshooting into 3 section as follows; System Level troubleshooting Application Level troubleshooting Dependent Services troubleshooting Understand Logs Level…

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Top 50 Jenkin pipeline interview questions and answers

1) How to fix a broken build for your project in Jenkins and how to make sure project build doesn’t break in Jenkins at all? The user needs to open…

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Top 50 TeamCity interview questions and answers

1) Is TeamCity a CI or CD? TeamCity is a general-purpose CI/CD solution that allows the most flexibility for all sorts of workflows and development practices. The Projects Overview lets…

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Top 50 Packer interview questions and answers

Q. Is it possible to feed packer with an ansible encrypted file? I’m attempting to use packer from an ansible playbook in order to use an ansible-vault encrypted file in…

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Top 10 Build Management Tools updated 2020

In this blog we are going to discuss about top 10 build management tools which are most popular and utilised by DevOps professionals. While faster software development and frequent releases…

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How to build jobs in jenkins when a change is pushed to Bitbucket

    Bitbucket plugin is designed to offer integration between Bitbucket and Jenkins.   It exposes a single URI endpoint that you can add as a WebHook within each Bitbucket…

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How to trigger a jenkins job when code is pushed to github using “GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling”

  The GitHub plugin for Jenkins is the most basic plugin for integrating Jenkins with GitHub projects. If you are a GitHub user, this plugin enables you to:   Schedule…

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Gradle Interview questions and Answer Part 1

What are the parts of the task lifecycle? A. Configuration, Execution B. Initialization, Configuration, Execution C. Initialization, Configuration, Execution, Finalization D. Execution Ans: B. Initialization, Configuration, Execution If I want…

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Gradle Tasks are exaplained in 10 mins!

Task in Gradle is a code that Gradle execute. Everything such a each type features is powered in Gradle using Plugin. Plugins add new tasks domain objects (e.g. SourceSet), conventions…

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How to compile and build Gerrit Plugins?

To build Gerrit Plugins from source, you need: A Linux or macOS system (Windows is not supported at this time) zip, unzip, wget $yum install zip -y $ yum install…

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Types of Build

follow are Types of Build… Distributed processing Build: Parallel processing build Multi-platform builds Multi-language builds Dedicated builds

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Build Scala Project using sbt and Jenkins

Build Scala Project using sbt and Jenkins Agenda Scala – A Scalable language Scala Download Scala Software Requirement Scala IDEs Scala Install Configuration Scala First Program Compile and Run Building…

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Build and Release Training online

Upcoming Training Dates | Training Agenda | Training Calender | FAQ | Why scmGalaxy Online Training Training Duration – 30 Days (90 mins each day) Mode – Online (Webex | Skype | Gotomeeting) Email – Mode of Payment –…

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List of build automation software

Make-based tools     distcc     GNU make, a widely used make implementation with a large set of extensions     make, a classic Unix build tool     mk, developed originally for…

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10 Key Suggestions To Build The Document Management System With Your Employees

Employees never feel at ease under a boss who doesn’t trust them or whom they don’t trust. In the absence of mutual trust productivity falls as the employees get into…

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Basic RPM Tutorials

Basic RPM Tutorials Introduction: RPM is the RPM Package Manager. It is an open packaging system available for anyone to use. It allows users to take source code for new software and package…

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Steps for a complete clean build

Following are the steps for a complete clean build: 1. Build project (compilation)—In the build phase, the build system compiles operating system (OS) component source files and produces libraries. The…

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Hardware for The Build Lab

The build lab should include some high-end hardware for building the applications. Because the entire team depends on the results of a build, the high-end computers ensure that the build…

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XML Is the Here, the Now, and the Future

XML Is the Here, the Now, and the Future XML is short for Extensible Markup Language, which is a specification developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). XML is…

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Important Configuration Definitions

Source code— Files written in high-level languages such as C# that need to be compiled (for example, foo.cs). Source(s)— All the files involved in building a product (for example, C,…

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Types of Builds: Developers and Project

I like to say that there are really only two types of builds: ones that work and ones that don’t. Seriously, though, when you’re shipping a product, you should consider…

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The Importance of a Successful Daily Build

Former Microsoft Visual Studio Product Manager Jim McCarthy used to say, “Successful daily builds are the heartbeat of a software project. If you do not have successful daily builds, then…

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Build Archive Policy

sgoldstein created the topic: Build Archive Policy I wanted to get some input from the SCM community regarding build archiving. When using either a CI or nightly build approach, a…

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Modified files after each build

setu.sin created the topic: Modified files after each build Hi All, I need to send the modified files to an external API after each build in jenkins. I can see…

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Build WixUtilExtension.dll

applicationPackaging created the topic: Build WixUtilExtension.dll I want to build WixUtilExtension.dll from wix sources. So first i tried to build util.wixlib , but that has references to caerr.wxi, wixca.dll and…

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Moving build system from one machine to another.

msiexpert created the topic: Moving build system from one machine to another. Till now we were building our software on a development build machine.We need to move it to a…

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Introducing Team Foundation Build 2010 | TFS 2010 Training

Introducing Team Foundation Build 2010 Introduction Build Automation Flickr’s Continuous Deployment Why Automate the Build? Team Build Overview Demo: Team Build Overview Machines, Controllers, and Agents Build System Topologies Build…

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Build and Release Engineer Training | Build and Release Engineer Course | scmGalaxy

About the Build and Release Course Build and Release integrates devlopers and operation teams in order to improve collobration and productivity by automation infrastrcure, automationg workflows and continously application performance….

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Build and Release Concept and Process Training | Build and Release Training | scmGalaxy

Build and Release Concept and Process Training Software Development Lifecycle  In this training, we will understand about the The Software Development Lifecycle and their imporance in Software development. There are…

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