AngularJS Tutorial for Beginners

AngularJS is a JavaScript Framework. It can be added an HTML Page with a <Script> tag. AngularJS extends HTML attributes with Directives, and binds data to HTML with Expressions. It…

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Javascript Beginner Part-1

Hi, I am going to introduce some examples on adding javascript with HTML pages. you can add javascript with the help of <script></script> tag within head or body section. Now,…

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How to Filtering, Sorting, and Paging in Angular JS?

First, we’ll discuss what is AnglularJS and their Benefits. What is Angular JS Angular JS is a Javascript Framework that helps build web applications. It is used in Single Page…

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What is on-page SEO?

What is on-page SEO? On page SEO is the all the things we do on our website which help boost ranking. It is the best practice of optimizing individual web…

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What is Semantic markup and It’s benefits?

What is a Semantic markup? Semantic markup is a way of writing and structuring your HTML. Semantic HTML or semantic is a coding style where the tags embody what the…

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Useful Visual Studio Code Extensions.

1 :-Visual Studio Code HTML Snippets This extension adds rich language support for the HTML Markup to VS Code, including: Full HTML5 Tags Colorization Snippets [partially implemented] Quick Info description…

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Benefits Of Link Building ?

What is Link Building ? Link building is a strategy that that gets web pages to link to each other by acquiring hyperlinks from other websites and apply them to…

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What is No-follow ?

A No-follow link is a part of the link but it does not count as the backlink A no-follow link is a link that does not count as a point in…

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Sonar Support with JSP & HTML

JSP/HTML land, usefull tests could be done via some regexp, ie check if style/css are used (to avoid dirty colors/fonts hard-coded for example). If we want to build something pretty…

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