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Top 10 Best Apps for learning English

English is a global language and it helps us to communicate with nearly all the people around the world and even through the internet. Although many people think that it is a very difficult and confusing language but English is actually the easiest language in the world to learn because there are so many resources available.

We are really lucky that we living in an age where we can learn English through Apps where we can listen, write, read, speak, learn and practice and receive instant feedback without an English teacher or tutor and from anywhere in the world.

But when you would start researching for the best apps for learning English, you might be overwhelmed with so many results to choose from. In that case, how can you decide which is the best learning app for English? We have done some research and shortlisted the “Top 10 Best Apps for learning English” which will save your time. These Apps for learning English are so entertaining that you won’t even feel that you’re studying and learning the English language.

  1. Duolingo
  2. Hello English
  3. Memrise
  4. Busuu
  5. Babbel
  1. Duolingo:- Duolingo is the most popular language-learning app. With just 20-30 minutes every day, you can learn English and grammar little by little by playing short games. Mostly, the games involve quick, bite-sized lessons,translating a word into or from English, or speaking an English phrase into your microphone and you’ll earn points and unlock new levels while gaining real-world communication skills.

Subscription FEE:-

  • Duolingo’s basic – Free
  • Duolingo Plus – $6.99 per month

Duolingo Ratings;- 4.5/5

Duolingo – Reviews

2. Hello English:- Hello English is a media-rich approach application to learn English. It starts with a language test, then serves up English lessons based on your assessment test. IT supports 25 native languages and lets you play games, watch videos and listen to audiobooks. It is the most popular English learning app in Asian countries, particularly India, where the company is based out. Similarly like Duolingo, this app is good to have which will help you to work on your English a little every day. You will be assigned daily tasks, video, and audio lessons to complete based on level step by step. If you would successfully complete the level, you can unlock new the next level lessons.

Hello English

Suscription Fee:-

  • free version
  • basic plan – $21/three months
  • certified plan – $30/three months
  • experiential plan – $160/three months – comes with the certificate + live video chat lessons + a dedicated personal coach

Ratings:- 4.6/5

Hello English – Reviews

3. Memrise:- Memrise has a user-friendly interface and it uses video clips with the spoken dialects in action to help you master real-world scenarios. Best way to learn any lanaguge is to see how native speakers speak and this app excaly help you with that and teach you how to do it yourself.

In this app you will get video clips of real people in coffee shops, karaoke bars, local streets, and at work help you understand and speak languages the way they’re actually used in real-life situations – that feature they used to call “learn with locals”. This app more focuses onto memorise the English words, more than anything else. It also uses humour to help you memorise the words in question which helps new words and phrases stick in your long-term memory. The lessons in this app are also created and designed by other users like yourself, which makes it a really friendly, true-to-form experience.


Subscription Fee:-

  • Free
  • Memrise Pro – $8.99/month
  • Memrise Pro – $18.99 for three months
  • Memrise Pro – $59.99 per year

Ratings:- 4.6/5

Memrise – Reviews
  1. Busuu:- This app is one of the best rated application for english learning. It comes with self-paced study, live classes with expert teachers and you can also practise with native speakers globally. Busuu’s free edition is a flashcard app with recorded dialogue. You can use a speech recognition tool to practise saying the English phrases back to yourself. Each lesson is planned to last ten minutes.

Premium members would additional featurees like advanced grammar lessons, and the content will be targeted to your specific needs for learning English. You can create your own study schedule and specify when you want the application to remind you for study. A forum for discovering language exchange partners is also available. You can exchange tips with people learning your native language who also speak English.


Subscription Fee:-

  • Free version
  • Busuu Premium – $9.99
  • Premium Plus – $13.99
  • Premium – $24.99 for 3 months
  • Premium Plus – $28.98 for 3 months

Ratings:- 4.4/5

Busuu – Reviews

5. Babbel:- Babbel is included in this list because to its popularity. It strikes an excellent balance between entertaining, game-like apps and challenging learning courses. Because the lessons are organised into real-world topics, you’ll be able to start having understandable discussions sooner. It is, however, best supplemented with live speaking practise so that participants can integrate their new skills. Courses are available for students of all levels. Lessons last 20 minutes and include a mix of speaking practise (with automatic voice recognition), grammar work, and new sentence memorising. There’s also a useful flashcard feature to help you remember sentences and terms from previous classes.


Subscription Fee:-

  • $12.95 for a month
  • $26.85 for three months
  • $44.70 for six months
  • $83.40 for a year

Ratings:- 4.5/5

Brighton School of English

While you can use the application mentioned above to learn English, if you want to learn directly from the experts, Brighton school of English is the place for you.

Have we missed something? If so, include it below and if we like it, we’ll make another post and include it there.
Keep in mind that what works for you might not work for others. And just like with everything else, these apps are only useful if you use them in the right way.

Additional Tips:-

  • Combine apps (and other methods, if possible!)
  • Focus on the areas you struggle most
  • Prioritize speaking practice.
  • Read books and watch movies in English to expose yourself to the language.
  • Make a point to learn five new English words every week.
  • Find a conversation buddy who also wants to learn English.

Thank you for reading. If you found it useful, share it with your friends!

Mantosh Singh
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