
NPM Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment

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ERROR: sh: 1: cross-env: Permission denied

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gyp ERR! stack Error: EACCES: permission denied

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How to install Git on Ubuntu/Linux.

To install Git on Linux/Ubuntu you have to Run the below commands Step 1 :- First check that your packages are updated or not : sudo apt update Step 2…

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About Composer A composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for…

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How to stop warnings when opening a file that has a .swp file Linux?

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Linux Tutorials: What is Swap in Linux and Useful Commands

What is Swap in Linux?Swap is a space on a disk that is used when the amount of physical RAM memory is full. When a Linux system runs out of…

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Linux command Error- nohup:ignoring input and appending output to ‘nohup.out’

Error : When i am running below command to run file in background showing above error so let’s see how we can solve this error very easily. Command :…

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Ubuntu or Linux Error: Unable to access XAMPP MySQL from /opt/lampp/bin/mysql

Here’s the complete article on the solution with baby steps:How to link php from XAMPP installation to use php command from user or any other directory in Ubuntu or Linux

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How to link MySQL from XAMPP (/opt/lampp/bin) to use mysql command from any directory in Ubuntu or Linux

Assumption: I assume that you have already installed XAMPP in your Ubuntu OR Linux machine.If not, then you may follow this link to do so: and NOTE: I also…

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Ubuntu or Linux error: Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir ‘/opt/lampp/htdocs/node_modules/node-sass/vendor’

How I got this error:I got this error while running command: npm install in one of my project directory located at /opt/lamoo/htdocs What was the Error: root@ip-ip-address:/opt/lampp/htdocs/[projectName]# npm install ]…

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How to install latest version of nodejs in Ubuntu or Linux

Steps:1. Login to Ubuntu or Linux machine using ssh client like putty 2. Run command: sudo -s3. Run command: sudo apt-get install curl4. Run command: curl -sL | sudo…

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Linux Tutorials: How to setup SSH keys on Ubuntu/ Linux

Introduction:If you want to clone a repository from gitlab, github or bitbucket in your Ubuntu machine then you may need to setup SSH Keys in ubuntu and add that key…

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How to install composer in Ubuntu or Linux machine

To install Composer on your Ubuntu or Linux system, perform the following steps: 1. Check if you have PHP installed and configured properly. If not then please follow this arcticle…

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How to link php from XAMPP installation to use php command from user or any other directory in Ubuntu or Linux

Assumption:I assume that you have already installed XAMPP in your Ubuntu OR Linux machine.If not, then you may follow this link to do so: How I got the error:After…

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npm error on Linux: Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Linux 64-bit with Node.js 12.x

Environment:Linux 64-bitLaravel 5.5Node.js 12.x How I got this error:I made some changes in one of the js file of my project. Hence, I needed to rebuild the JS part of…

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Complete Reference: WordPress Debugging & Troubleshooting Guide

Any wordpress issues and problem may be caused by a variety of issues, including: Part – 1- Enable debugging mode in WordPress, follow the steps: Edit wp-config.php and add following…

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Ubuntu, Linux, Unix vi error: swap file .swp already exists

Command that gave me error:vi .env or vi <any file name that starts with a “.” that means it’s a hidden file> Error: Swap file .env.swp already existsor Swap file…

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Linux Interview Questions and Answer – Part 11

It is common for source packages to be downloaded to which directory? /src /usr/src (Ans) /home /usr/bin Using lsof which character is used to filter by host # = @…

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Linux Interview Questions and Answer – Part 10

How can we use lsof to display open ports? lsof -i lsof -w lsof -u sudo lsof -i (Ans) On SUSE which file stores the static hostname /etc/hosts /eyc/hostname /etc/HOSTNAME…

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List of Free Tools for Tabbed Multiple Linux SSH / Putty sessions

PuTTY Connection Manager PuTTY Connection Manager was mentioned in the 12 PuTTY add-ons. One of the major missing features in PuTTY is the ability to display multiple sessions in Tabs…

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Linux Interview Questions and Answer – Part 9

What is a tunnel and how you can bypass a http proxy? What is the difference between IDS and IPS? What shortcuts do you use on a regular basis? What…

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Linux Interview Questions and Answer – Part 8

What do the following commands do and how would you use them? tee awk tr cut tac curl wget watch head tail less cat touch sar netstat tcpdump lsof What…

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Linux Interview Questions and Answer – Part 7

What is the name and the UID of the administrator user? How to list all files, including hidden ones, in a directory? What is the Unix/Linux command to remove a…

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SysOps Interview Questions and Answer – Part 1

What is your favorite editor? What is RAID? What is RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, RAID10? Describe the general file system hierarchy of a Linux system. Describe what each of the following…

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Linux Interview Questions and Answer – Part 6

script/command to delete last word from every line in a file 2.script/command to find the files with more than 1gb size What is Swap Space? What is the maximum length…

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Linux Interview Questions and Answer – Part 5

How to check the logs? Difference between Journalctl & tail command? What does the subscription-manager do? How to archive a file? What is umask? How to kill a process? How…

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Linux Interview Questions and Answer – Part 4

What is MAC address? can we change the physical address? How to check system uptime? How to check memory information? What is SWAP? What is the exact memory free in…

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Linux Interview Questions and Answer – Part 3

What is SetGID, SetUID & Stickybit? Location where all the user information are stored? File where user password are stored? What is the default permission of a file? What is…

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Linux Interview Questions and Answer – Part 2

What is Linux? What are Linux OS Flavors? Difference between Debian & RPM based OS? What is Kernel? Explain the boot process of Linux OS? How is RHEL different from…

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