Configuring NFS to access the files from remote Linux machine as a mount point

I have a 2Tb of storage on a linux box, and i want to use that storage as a mount point from another machine. As a root user on the…

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How To scp, ssh and rsync without prompting for password using OpenSSH

Verify that local-host and remote-host is running openSSH ssh -V OpenSSH_4.3p2, OpenSSL 0.9.8b 04 May 2006 Lets say you want to copy between two hosts host_src and host_dest. host_src is…

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Linux User Management

ac Print statistics about users’ connect time. accton Turn on accounting of processes. To turn it on type “accton /var/log/pacct”. adduser Ex: adduser mark – Effect: Adds a user to…

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Basic RPM Tutorials

Basic RPM Tutorials Introduction: RPM is the RPM Package Manager. It is an open packaging system available for anyone to use. It allows users to take source code for new software and package…

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Good Links about Rsync

scmjobs created the topic: Good Links about Rsync

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Converting Red Hat Enterprise Linux booting from CLI to GUI

rajeshkumar created the topic: Converting Red Hat Enterprise Linux booting from CLI to GUI I just found very good links where default Command mode can be converted into GUI mode…

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Ignore existing files or update only newer files with rsync

rajeshkumar created the topic: Ignore existing files or update only newer files with rsync Ignore existing files or update only newer files with rsynca Copying from local to remote Note…

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Mount: cannot mount block device // read-only

rajeshkumar created the topic: mount: cannot mount block device // read-only Issues [code language=”css”] root@rkumar11-usa:~/data/share# sudo mount -t cifs // /home/rkumar11/data/share –verbose -o user=rkumar11 mount: block device // is write-protected,…

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How to add new package to apt-get

rajeshkumar created the topic: How to add new package to apt-get wget -q -O – | sudo apt-key add – sudo sh -c ‘echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list’…

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Error: *** ln doesn’t support –relative ***

rajeshkumar created the topic: configure: error: *** ln doesn’t support –relative *** [code language=”css”] Error while doing ./configure during systemd-217 istall in RHEL 6.5 configure: error: *** ln doesn’t support…

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Disable IPv6 and Enable IPv4 in Red Hat Linux

rajeshkumar created the topic: Disable IPv6 and Enable IPv4 in Red Hat Linux Disable IPv6 and Enable IPv4 in Red Hat Linux check “disable_ipv6″ file to check if IPv6 is…

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Answer some of Linux admin questions…

scmuser created the topic: Answer some of Linux admin questions… 1. How to send an email | check email | reply email attachment using command line?? 2. How do you…

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How to Limit System Resources Using cgroups on CentOS 6

rajeshkumar created the topic: How to Limit System Resources Using cgroups on CentOS 6 How to Limit System Resources Using cgroups on CentOS 6? Answer – Control groups, or cgroups…

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Automatic stop and restart the Cloud server

pasupuleti2 created the topic: Automatic stop and restart the Cloud server How to scheduling an automatic stop and restart the Cloud server every Saturday. We are using Windows 2012 server…

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How to Configure Web Proxy on CentOS | Tutorials | scmGalaxy

If your internet connection is behind a web proxy, you need to configure the following on your CentOS server: System-wide proxy settings – add the following lines to your /etc/environment…

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How to Set or Configure Proxy in Linux and Windows System? – scmGalaxy

Setting the proxy configuration in Linux and Windows If you use a proxy server or firewall, you may need to set the http_proxy environment variable in order to access some…

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Linux Tutorials: pmap commands examples

You can find the memory used by a program (process) by looking into /proc directory or using standard command such as ps or top. However, you must calculate all memory…

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Linux Tutorials: iostat commands examples

iostat command is a command that used for monitoring system input/output device loading by observing the time the devices are active in relation to their average transfer rates. The iostat…

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Linux Tutorials: xargs commands examples

Under Development The xargs command is extremely useful when we combine it with other commands.This tutorials explains the usage of xargs command using few simple examples. 1. Xargs Basic Example…

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Linux Tutorials: mount & unmount commands examples

Once you create a partition, you should use mount command to mount the partition into a mount point (a directory), to start using the filesystem. You need to add the…

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gsh – Run linux commands on many other linux server at once

gsh – Run linux commands on many other linux server at once Group Shell (also called gsh) is a remote shell multiplexor. It lets you control many remote shells at…

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Main Responsibilities of the Linux System Administrator | What Linux System Administrators do ?

Main Responsibilities of the Linux System Administrator is as follows: Maintaining User Accounts Security Managing the disk space and Backup Provisiom the new Linux Server based on the need Linux…

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Common unix commands and utilities | unix commands and utilities Guide

To find a program not on this list (and there are hundreds), try the man program with the -k option followed by a keyword, for example, man -k tape to…

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Sed command Web References & Cheatsheet

UNIX SED Introduction · Sed is a “non-interactive” stream-oriented editor. Since its an “non-interactive” it can be used to automate editing. · This allows you to edit multiple files, or…

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How to install subversion on Linux?

To install svn in linux and make it fully working , I found it really tough and it has taken my lots of time. I am thankful to Sanjay, who…

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Unix Command: Grep – Quick Reference – Pattern – Examples – Options

Grep scans its input for a pattern, and can display the selected pattern, the line numbers of the filenames where the pattern occurs, The command uses the following syntax grep…

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Set properties HOMEDIR in build.xml which will be set through user logged in the current system.. Example: <project name=”test” default=”myhome”>     <property environment=”env”/>     <target name=”myhome”>         <echo message=”My home…

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Basic of Unix – Presentation | Unix Learning Reference – Guide

Basic of Unix Presentation Basic Unix from Rajesh Kumar   Basic Unix View more presentations from rajeshatbuzz. (tags: basic of)

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