Top 50 Selendroid interview questions and answers

General Questions Element Identification and Interaction Multiple Device Support Native and Hybrid App Automation WebView Automation Testing Framework Integration Gestures and Actions Test Configuration and Management Error Handling and Debugging…

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Top 50 Pagerduty Interview Questions & Answer

1) If you were asked to review a colleague’s code that they had written, what key things would you look for? For this question, your interviewer will obviously be looking…

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Top 50 Kafka Interview Questions & Answer

1) What is Apache Kafka? Apache Kafka is a publish-subscribe open source message broker application. This messaging application was coded in “Scala”. Basically, this project was started by the Apache…

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Top 50 traefik Interview Questions & Answer

1) What is Traefik software? Traefik (pronounced traffic) is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy. Traefik integrates with your existing infrastructure components (Docker,…

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Top 50 linkerd Interview Questions & Answer

1) Who owns Linkerd? the Cloud Native Computing FoundationLinkerd is hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). The CNCF owns the trademark; the copyright is held by the Linkerd…

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Top 50 Consul interview questions and answers

1) What Is Checkpoint? / Does Consul Call Home? Consul makes use of a HashiCorp service called Checkpoint which is used to check for updates and critical security bulletins. Only…

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Top 50 Helm interview questions and answers

1) What is Helm? Helm Charts assist you in defining, installing, and upgrading even the most complicated Kubernetes application. … Helm is a CNCF-graduated project that is supported by the…

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Top 50 Appium interview questions and answers

1) Describe various types of mobile applications Mobile applications are of the following three types: Native Applications: Applications that are created with the help of iOS and Android SDK are…

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Top 50 OpenCV interview questions and answers

1) Explain what is OpenCV? OpenCV stands for Open Source Computer Vision Library is an open-source library using which is used to develop real-time computer vision applications such as image…

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What is Azure App Configuration?

Introduction Guys, first of all, let’s know about Azure, after that, I’ll explain to you about Azure App Configuration. Microsoft Azure is one of the platforms as a service (PaaS)…

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How to Test Laravel API from Localhost to Android Emulator.

If you are Working with laravel API and and want to test your app in local with android emulator or your mobile Connected to your Computer, so just follow the…

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Postman – What is Postman, and how do I set-up the tool?

Postman is a little program, or a Chrome extension to be precise, which allows you to access RESTful APIs in a very convenient way, with a graphical user interface and…

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What are Restful Services?

Restful Services provide uniform, standardized access with clear request requirements and response structure. This means that Restful services allow us to know which data they will receive so that the…

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What is Rest and Restful API? Understand the Concept

Hey everyone welcomes back, Today we’re gonna learn what is REST and RESTful API you probably heard the word REST API and restful API in web development and then you…

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What is API, clear the Concept.

In this article we will understand what is API. You might heard this word in web development but still most of the peoples conneot understant what is API in this…

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The Challenges of Microservices over Monoliths.

Microservice is creating a lot of advantages for large teams, organizations with high-performance requirements, and systems that benefit from the kind of strongboundaries that microservice offers. However, these advantages aren’t…

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Advantages of Microservices

Now that we have a basic understanding of what defines monoliths and microservices, let’s explore what advantages Microservices brings tothe table. In particular, one of the most beneficial things that…

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Understanding the Benefit of Microservices

Before understanding the Benefit of Microservices we first need to understand What is a monolith? Monolith is defined by a single integrated application often but not alwayswritten all in one…

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How to post form data from PHP 7 using LinkedIn API?

In Previous blog Click Here We also learned that How to Sign-in or login from PHP 7 using LinkedIn API. So, In this blog, I am going to post or…

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What is API & How it works in All Programming Language?

In this blog, I am going to Explain What is API and How it works in All Programming Language. So, API means Application Programming Interface (API) through this We can…

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AJAX Crash Course

What is AJAX ? Asynchronous Javascript & XML Set of web technologies Send & receive data asynchronously Does not interfere with current web page JSON has replaced XML for the…

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Kubernetes Interview Questions and Answer Part – 7

What is the main reason why the Ingress API has not been developed beyond its original specification? It was delivered to test ingress use cases, but annotations took over and…

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Understanding the Update API in Elasticsearch

The update API allows to update(also allows to delete, or ignore the operation). a document based on a script provided. The operation gets the document from the index, runs the…

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Jenkins Remote access API Example | Jenkins Tutorial

Jenkins Remote access API Example Jenkins provides machine-consumable remote access API to its functionalities. Currently it comes in three flavors: XML JSON with JSONP support Python Remote access API is…

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