Best & Most Popular 5 Code Editor for Dart programming Language

In this tutorial im going to share top and best 5 code editor for dart programming language. These code editor is very helpful for developers. Top 5 Best Code editor…

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[Solved] Flutter : Error: The getter ‘subhead’ isn’t defined for the class ‘TextTheme’ from package:flutter/src/material/text_theme.dart’ – searchable_dropdown

ERROR SOLUTION There are Two Solutions for this error Use Alternative Package Do some changes in .pub-cache Use Alternative Package I switched from searchable_dropdown to search_choices and it works OK….

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[SOLVED] Flutter Error: The getter ‘body1’ isn’t defined for the class ‘TextTheme’ – place_picker.

Error SOLUTION Here is what I found on StackOverflow Source (Stackoverflow):- To fix this issue you have to make some changes to Two files C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ 2. C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Changes to…

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[SOLVED] Flutter: Not showing “Open for editing in Android Studio”

The problem is caused by missing .iml project files. These files are added automatically to the .gitignore file but they should not. To fix it: Delete .idea folder. Create a new temporary Flutter project with the…

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[Solved] Flutter : [core/not-initialized] Firebase has not been correctly initialized. Have you added the “google-services.json” file to the project?

Problem I’ve connected my flutter app to firebase by adding SHA1 key ( How to Get SHA-1 key in Android Studio for Firebase. ) and package name in firebase console,…

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[SOLVED] Flutter : NoSuchMethodError: The getter ‘isEmpty’ was called on null.

Problem I’m Calling An API and getting response in Variable Data ($data). When data is coming then there is no Error but when I’m getting null as response then getting…

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[SOLVED] Flutter : Cannot run with sound null safety, because the following dependencies don’t support null safety

Problem I’m using flutter_recaptcha_v2: ^0.1.0. Now, I am trying to run it using flutter run, however, it will not start because of the following error: Solution If you want run your project…

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[SOLVED] Flutter Webview throws Compiling Error.

Problem The android studio while running throws this error and stop the build Solution ThreadedInputConnectionProxyAdapterView has wrong extension .jav just change it to .java until the flutter team release the…

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How to upload new keystore or app signing key in Google play console after lost or forget Keystore.

Hi Guys, If you have lost your uploaded application Keystore (App Signing Key) or have forgotten your keystore password, then how will you upload new key in your application and…

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How to Check if an application is on its first run or One time Intro Screen with Flutter.

If you wish to show the intro screen only for the first time, you will need to save locally that this user has already seen intro. For such thing you…

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[SOLVED] Unhandled Exception: Navigator operation requested with a context that does not include a Navigator.

This happens because when you do Navigator.of(context), it will start from the widget associated to the context used. And then go upward in the widget tree until it either find…

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CRUD USING API IN Flutter (Part 1)

INTRODUCTION: In general, the use of JSON is used to communicate data from client to server and from server to client. In this article we are going to create a…

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[SOLVED] Flutter: A RenderFlex overflowed by 61 pixels on the right.

An Exception was thrown when i’m debugging my application i.e., Right Overflowed by 61 Pixels. Exception thrown in Terminal ═══════════════════ Exception caught by rendering library══════════════════════ The following assertion was thrown…

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[SOLVED] Flutter: A problem was found with the configuration of task ‘:google_sign_in:compileDebugJavaWithJavac’.

In my flutter project, when i Started Debugging then it returns an Exception message which is FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. See the below output of my Terminal. Solution…

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How to Get SHA-1 key in Android Studio for Firebase.

There are two methods of getting SHA-1 key, but First one is not working for Windows user. So, if you are a Windows user then go for 2nd Method. Update:-…

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[SOLVED] Error: “Bottom Overflowed” error caused by the keyboard.

When Keyboard Appears, then you receive an error: “Bottom overflowed by 67 pixels”. In technical terms, the size of the viewport was reduced and it caused an overflow in our…

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[SOLVED] Error: Your app isn’t using AndroidX.

I developed an app in flutter with Visual Studio code on Windows. When i ran the project it shows a message, Your app isn’t using AndroidX.To avoid potential build failures,…

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No version of NDK matched the requested version in flutter >> Solved.

Hello Guys i was trying to get The SHA1 key to integrate firebase in my flutter app.After updating to Android Gradle plugin 3.6.0 (released Feb 24, 2020), several project independently started failing with:…

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How To Make Profile App in Flutter.

In this blog, i’ll show you all how to make a Profile App in Flutter. Just Follow the below Steps :- I’m assuming that you have already created a flutter…

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How to add Images in Flutter.

Create an image folder inside an assets folder, create assets if not exist. This should be in your root folder, in that same root directory you will find a pubspec.yaml…

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What is the difference between stateless and stateful widgets? >>Flutter.

I am learning Dart/flutter and trying to understand how Widgets system works and I found out some useful things, hope it helps you too. Actually There are 3 kind of…

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Everything about Text Widget in Flutter.

The first thing you need to know is that creating an app is all about creating small widgets, and compile them in one. As if you know a bit about…

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How to Make Navigation from One Screen to Other in Flutter.

Navigation from One Screen to Other is pretty Easier, Just Follow the Below Steps :- Step 1 :- First of all, make two new files named home.dart and about.dart ….

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How To Create Your Own Widget In Flutter.

To Create your Own Widget in Flutter, Just Follow the Below Steps. Step 1 :- First of all, create a new file in lib directory named home.dart (you can write…

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How To Display ‘Hello World’ in Flutter.

To Display “Hello World” in Flutter, just Follow the Below Steps. Step 1 :- First of all, Import material.dart package library. import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; Step 2 :- Now, we call our…

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Stateful Widget in Flutter.

Stateful Widget :- When user interacts with an App and the widget change then it is called Stateful Widget. A Stateful widget is Dynamic. For Example :- When user click on a…

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Stateless Widget in Flutter.

Stateless :- A Stateless widget has no internal state to manage. For Example :- Icon , IconButtons, Text , etc. Write Down the Below code in main.dart file.

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How to write a Hello World App in Flutter?

Hey folks, Here we are going to run a Hello World Application in Flutter. so if you want to do this. first of all, you have to install flutter. for…

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