Splunk Command Line Reference

How to add monitor in Splunk?
$ sudo ./splunk [add|edit|remove|list] [monitor|exex|tcp|udp|oneshot]
source - file, directory, scripted input, or socket to manage

How to remove monitor?
$ sudo ./splunk remove monitor /var/log/jenkins

How to set hostname?
$ sudo ./splunk add monitor /var/log/dmesg -hostname rajesh -index newindex
$ sudo ./splunk add monitor /opt/lampp/etc -hostname rajhost -index rajesh

How to upload to new index?
$ sudo ./splunk add monitor /var/log/dmesg -hostname rajesh -index newindex

How to upload a file?
$ sudo ./splunk add oneshot /var/log/applog	
$ sudo ./splunk add oneshot C:\Program Files\AppLog\log.txt
$ sudo ./splunk add forward-server <host>:<port> -auth <username>:<password>

Alternatively, if you have many forwarders, you can use an outputs.conf file to specify the receiver. For example:
server= splunk_indexer.acme.com:9997

This command, <port> is the network port you want the receiver to listen on.
$ sudo ./splunk enable listen <port> -auth <username>:<password>
$ sudo ./splunk enable listen 9997 -auth <username>:<password>

This command below will also show which apps each setting is coming from.
$ sudo ./splunk cmd btool --debug inputs list

Permanently remove event data from an index by typing
$ splunk clean eventdata
$ splunk clean eventdata -index <index_name>
$ splunk stop
$ splunk clean eventdata 	# To permanently remove data from all indexes
$ splunk stop
$ splunk clean eventdata -index _internal -f # To permanently remove data from _internal

Remove all data from one or all indexes
$ splunk help clean

Remove an index entirely
$ splunk stop
$ splunk remove index main # cannot remove idx=main, is internal
$ splunk remove index <index_name>

Disable an index without removing it
$ splunk disable index <index_name>

Rajesh Kumar
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