What is Docker and use cases of Docker?

What is Docker? Docker is a set of platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers. Containers are lightweight, portable, and self-sufficient units that can run applications and their…

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Jenkins Tutorials: Install Jenkins as Docker Container

In the Previous Post we Learned How to install Jenkins as Servlet on Tomcat server. In this post we will try even simple and easy way to run Jenkins on…

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Jenkins Tutorial: Install Jenkins on Ubuntu

In this tutorial we are going to install Jenkins on Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu is another debian based operating system – open sourced and highly loved by developer community. Step…

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Docker Tutorials: How to configure HTTP Proxy with Docker?

A proxy is required when the server running Docker does not have direct access to the Internet. Configure the Docker daemon to use a proxy server to access images stored…

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Docker Tutorials: Enable docker deaamon to be accessible from the remote machine using API or docker client

Docker Tutorials Fundamental To Advanced-2021 Crash Course:- https://bit.ly/3hOIbTB

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Docker Tutorials: What is Docker? Future of Docker engineers?

What is Docker? Docker is an open-source platform for developers and sysadmins to build Application, ship, and run distributed applications which can run virtually anywhere. Docker containers are easy to…

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What is Docker? Benefits of Using Docker?

Docker, an open-source technology containerization tools that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Docker designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by…

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What is Docker Enterprise 3.0? Detailed Exaplanations.

Docker Enterprise is designed for enterprise development as well as IT teams who build, share, and run business-critical applications at scale in production. With Docker Enterprise, you can manage container…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 26

What Docker Client command can be used to convert a Dockerfile into an Image? docker createimage docker buildimage docker build (Ans) docker create Which of the following statements accurately describe…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 25

Docker Kitematic can ONLY be used to download Docker images. True False (Ans) Services can be organized into __ with Docker Cloud. roles stacks (Ans) zones groups Docker works the…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 21

Which of the following is needed to deploy a Docker Stack? Compose v2 file format Kubernetes Compose v3 file format Docker Cloud (Ans) What is the name of the configuration…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 13

Which of the following problems (not solved by hypervisor virtualization) do containers solve? Heterogeneous application management Network Function Virtualization (NFV) Software Defined Storage (SDS) Overheads incurred by the multiplicity of…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 12

Which of the following flags tells the Swarm Manager process that it will be part of a highly available multi-manager configuration? –replicate –replication (Ans) –multi-manager –multi-master Which three scheduling strategies…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 11

Which of the following are the standard secured and unsecured Docker engine daemon ports? 2375 (unsecured), 2376 (secured) (Ans) 4000 (unsecured), 4001 (secured) 3375 (unsecured), 3376 (secured) 80 (unsecured), 443…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 10

What is a dangling volume? The default volume for the container file system that’s unpacked from the image A volume that’s removed from a running container A volume that’s not…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 9

Where does the file system come from for a container? From a remote network share hosted through Hyper-V From the machine the container is started on From the image used…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 8

The docker history command shows output similar to which of the following? Dockerfile (Ans) docker-compose.yml docker images docker layers docker ps What is a tag? A reference to a registry…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 7

Docker recommends using the responsible disclosure model for reporting vulnerabilities in the Docker platform. What does this mean? Simultaneously report the vulnerability to Docke and openly publish details of the…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 6

An admin has configured the Linux audit framework to generate audit events for the Docker daemon’s data root. After a recent OS update, the data root is no longer being…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 5

Is it ever possible to run a Linux-based container on a Microsoft Windows platform? Yes, Docker containers abstract away the underlying operating system, which means the container can run on…

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Docker Error – Requires: container-selinux >= 2:2.74

Error\ Solution Go to http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/extras/x86_64/Packages/ Find the latest version for container-selinux i.e. container-selinux-2.21-1.el7.noarch.rpm Run the following command on your terminal: $ sudo yum install -y yum install http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/extras/x86_64/Packages/container-selinux-2.107-1.el7_6.noarch.rpm yum install…

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