Jenkins Error: Running two Java Versions – Jenkins Problem in Mac OS

Hi Everyone – Today we are going to discuss about how to have two version of Java Development Kit running in MAC OS and how to switch between them. This…

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How to disable/Uninstalling Jenkins a plugin when Jenkins is down using command line?

Issue A plugin is preventing Jenkins to restart I need to disable a plugin and Jenkins is down How to Uninstall a jenkins plugin using command line? Uninstalling a plugin…

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Jenkins Interview Questions and Answers – Part 6

What are the parts of the task lifecycle Execution Initialization, Configuration, Execution (Ans) Initialization, Configuration, Execution, Finalization Configuration, Execution How do you declare a typed task? task copyImages (type: Copy)…

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Jenkins Interview Questions and Answers – Part 5

The easiest way to get a plugin for Jenkins is ______________ . from inside Jenkins itself (Ans) by building it from source creating a plugin request call downloading an installer…

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Jenkins Interview Questions and Answers – Part 4

An important step in making sure that the build process is taken seriously is to ________ . never leave the build in a broken state (Ans) send out a report…

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Jenkins Interview Questions and Answers – Part 3

What is Jenkins ? Why we use Jenkins ? What are the other tools/technologies present in market other than jenkins for CI/CD ? How to move Jenkins from one server…

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Jenkins Interview Questions and Answer – Part 2

beginner Explain what is Jenkins and what is it used for Explain each of the following in the context of nodes: Master Slave Executor Agent Label Explain each of the…

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Copy a files from jenkins server to jenkins node/slave using pipeline plugins

Workarond 1 – Try to use stash/unstash, but it is bad for large files. [code]node(‘master’) {dir(‘/path/on/master/1’) {stash ‘master-stuff’}}node(‘slave’) {dir(‘/path/on/slave/1’) {unstash ‘master-stuff’}dir(‘/path/on/slave/2’) {stash ‘slave-stuff’}}node(‘master’) {dir(‘/path/on/master/2’) {unstash ‘slave-stuff’}} [/code] Read more about…

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How to execute grovvy script remotely on Jenkins server?

A Jenkins Admin can execute groovy scripts remotely by sending an HTTP POST request to /script/ url or /scriptText/. curl example via bash [code] curl -d “script=<your_script_here>” https://jenkins/script # or…

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How to run/execute groovy script in Jenkins?

Here are the List of way using you can apply grovy code in Jenkins Method -1: Groovy plugin This plugin adds the ability to directly execute Groovy code. More info…

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Database of Groovy Script for Jenkins Automation

Here are the list of Groovy Script which can be used in Jenkins to automate the JOBs and CI process. Please add your list in the comment sections as well….

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How Jenkins works? Jenkins Architecture Explained!!!

Jenkins is continuous integration tools which help to integrate other tools to automate the software development activity and repetitive tasks. Jenkins has 2 releases. One, Community version which open source…

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Difference between jenkins and Urbancode build

What is the difference between jenkins and Urbancode build? jenkins Urbancode build Jenkins is open framework for automating the repeative tasks and has great plugins which can be used to…

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Build Scala Project using sbt and Jenkins

Build Scala Project using sbt and Jenkins Agenda Scala – A Scalable language Scala Download Scala Software Requirement Scala IDEs Scala Install Configuration Scala First Program Compile and Run Building…

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Enabling Jenkins integration with Silk Central Test Manager

Enabling Jenkins integration with Silk Central Test Manager Enabling jenkins integration with silk central test manager

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Hudson plugin development in Eclipse

rajeshkumar created the topic: Hudson plugin development in Eclipse I’m following the instructions to create a plugin workspace located at: however, when I run the setup (mvn hpi:run), the…

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Questions on Hudson

scmuser created the topic: Questions on Hudson Hi, I have setup Hudson successfully and covered all most all the features. But Still i have some question which want to get…

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Tips on migrating Hudson instance to new machine

scmuser created the topic: Tips on migrating Hudson instance to new machine Tips on migrating Hudson instance to new machine, upgrading? Today I’m going to be migrating a Hudson 1.334…

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How to map Hudson user names to VCS user names

rajeshkumar created the topic: How to map Hudson user names to VCS user names Hi All I’m wondering if it is possible to map the Hudson user name to one…

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Advice on our Hudson setup / How to Poll Dependencies

scmuser created the topic: Advice on our Hudson setup / How to poll dependenc Advice on our Hudson setup / How to poll dependencies Hi, I’m looking for some advice…

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Where can you set/change the ANT_OPTS in Hudson

rajeshkumar created the topic: Where can you set/change the ANT_OPTS in Hudson Where can you set/change the ANT_OPTS in Hudson Questions: I’m using Hudson and Maven and also Ant to…

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Does Jenkins let you create branches?

To craete a new git branch using jenkins, you may follow the steps. Step 1 – Edit the job which you are using to create a branch. Step 2 –…

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How to Change Jenkins HTTP port number?

How to Change Jenkins HTTP port number? Change a jenkins web http port in WindowsStep 1 – Stop the jenkins servicesStep 2 – Go to the directory where you installed…

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Jenkins Upgrade and Solution!!!

rajeshkumar created the topic: Jenkins Upgrade and Solution!!!Issues 1: You will find these entry in jenkins log file which will take longer time to start the services of jenkins SEVERE:…

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Check to see if a build is running or not

rajeshkumar created the topic: Check to see if a build is running or not All I need to do is check to see if a build is running or not….

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Script to check the build status of a Jenkins job

Using JSON & Curl [code]BUILD_STATUS=$(curl –user USER:TOKEN_VALUE –silent $BUILD_URLapi/json | jq -r ‘.result’)echo $BUILD_STATUS[/code] Using jenkins PluginsPlugins Name – Conditional Build Step For Implementations, Please check here. Using Python &…

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Jenkins plugin list sometimes shows up empty

If you are unable to see the list of any plugins, there may be isuses with following reasons. 1. Check the internet if its connected with jenkins Server2. Do you…

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Jenkins Error: Jenkins time-out while pushing to github

rajeshkumar created the topic: Jenkins time-out while pushing to githubC:\Build_WS\BuildDeployment>exit 0Pushing HEAD to branch master at repo originusing .gitcredentials to set credentials> C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe –version # timeout=10> C:\Program Files…

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Jenkins Error: Jenkins Workspace Issue

pasupuleti2 created the topic: Jenkins Workspace IssueMost of our jobs which are running on the Windows systems are failing due to issues in “deleting the workspace”. Our Jenkins working on…

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Jenkins Error: Failed to rename jenkins

rajeshkumar created the topic: Failed to rename jenkinsToday while setting up the maven automatic install setup with jenkins, i found following issues…. Started by user anonymousBuilding on master in…

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