Top Jenkins interview questions and answers

1. What is Jenkins? Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps automate various aspects of software development, such as building, testing, and deploying code. It allows developers to set…

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Top 50 Slack Interview Questions & Answer

1) A huge part of our business here at Slack is designing software for iOS. In this role, how would you steer away from retain cycles when using closures in…

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Top 50 RabbitMQ Interview Questions & Answer

1) What is RabbitMQ? RabbitMQ is an open-source message-broker software is also known as message queueing technology. It defines queues to which applications communicate for data transfer, or message transmission….

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What is ArangoDB?

ArangoDB is an open-source multi-model NoSQL database with a flexible data model for documents and graphs. It is designed as a “general purpose database,” offering all the features typically needed…

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Complete AWS Certification Guide & tutorials

What is AWS? Aws: Stands for (Amazon web service) AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform provided by Amazon that includes a mixture of infrastructure as…

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Top 50 istio interview questions and answers

1) What is Istio and how it works? An Istio service mesh is logically split into a data plane and a control plane. The data plane is composed of a…

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Top 50 Bamboo interview questions and answers

1) What exactly do you know about release planning? It is basically a common approach in Bamboo. It must be done at least once a week. There are certain features…

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Top 50 Jmeter interview questions and answers

1) Explain what is JMeter? JMeter is a Java tool, which is used for performance Load Testing. 2) Explain how JMeter works? JMeter acts like a group of users sending…

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Top 50 Junit interview questions and answers

1) What is Testing? Testing is the process of checking the functionality of the application whether it fulfills the requirement or not. 2) What is unit testing? The process of…

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Top 50 Django interview questions and answers

1) Django design pattern? Django follows MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller), also referred to as MTV (Model-Template-View). Model – describes database schemaViews – Controls what user can view. It retrieves data from…

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What are the key features and specific roles of Ansible?

Hi Learner, Lets know about Ansible, It is an open-source automation tool, which is used in IT tasks such as application deployment, configuration management and provisioning. The Ansible tool was…

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What is the use of Terraform in DevOps?

What is Terraform in DevOps and Its history & origin? Hi friend, today in this blog I’ll explain about Terraform in DevOps and Its history & origin as well, lets…

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What is New Relic? How does it work? New Relic features, importance, competitors,

New Relic: An Overview New Relic is a San Francisco, California-based technology company which develops cloud-based software to help website and application owners track the performances of their services. New…

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What is MLOps? It’s Advantages, Use Cases, Jobs & Salary Prospectus?

History & Origin of MLOps The origins of MLOps may be traced back to a study titled “Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems” published in 2015. Since then, the…

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Top 50 Apache spark interview questions and answers

Q1. What is RDD? Ans. RDD (Resilient Distribution Datasets) is a fault-tolerant collection of operational elements that run parallel. The partitioned data in RDD is immutable and distributed. Q2. Name…

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Top 50 Python Interview Questions and Answers

What is Python? What are the benefits of using Python? Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language. Being a general-purpose language, it can be used to build almost any…

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Top 100 Ruby Programming interview questions and answers.

1) What is Ruby programming language? Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, open source programming language that aims on simplicity and productivity.Ruby has a blended functions of Perl, small talk, Eiffel,…

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Top 50 interview questions and answers for HTML

Hello folks, today we will discuss some interview question & answers of HTML. But before moving towards our today’s topic of HTML, I would like to discuss here the evolution…

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What is AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)?

Introduction of Azure Kubernetes Service AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) is Azure’s managed container service and It is an open-source fully managed container orchestration service. It is manages your hosted Kubernetes…

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What is Azure Blockchain Service?

Hello Learners, In this blog I have come up with the topic of Azure Blockchain Service for you. But before introducing Azure Blockchain, first of all, let me introduce what…

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What is an Azure Portal?

Microsoft Azure, one of the second highest names in the Cloud Computing domain, It all because of features it provides to its user, the ease with which Microsoft Azure can…

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What is Azure Automation?

Introduction of Azure Automation Automation is a fronton leader of all IT solutions for businesses. If a method is redundant, you employ technological resources to change it. If a method…

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Telegram Features – Groups & Channels – Explained

Telegram is an instant messaging and chatting app similar like WhatsApp. It has similar features like other messaging apps contains like you can connect and send messages to other Telegram…

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What is Google Webmaster Tools in SEO and What’re the Features?

SEO Executives use Google Webmaster Tools so that they can understand the errors which are occurring in the website. They fix all these errors so that the website does rank…

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What is Google Webmaster Tools in SEO and What’s the Features?

SEO Executives use Google Webmaster Tools so that they can understand about the errors which are occurring in website. They fix all these errors so that the website do rank…

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The minimum features for SCM tools

SCM Tools The minimum features for SCM tools are closely related to the task of handling the different product deliverables produced within the project software engineering process. Tool requirements and…

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What is wyBuild & wyUpdate and its features and advantage?

created the topic: what is wyBuild & wyUpdate and its features and advantage? Use wyBuild to get updates of your software to your users fast. No confusing interfaces – just…

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Features of Actual Installer

InstallerGeek created the topic: Features of Actual Installer Jumpstart Your First Installer Project in Minutes! Actual Installer offers you a wizard-style interface that will quickly guide you through all the…

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What is Actual Installer and what the advantages and features of this?

created the topic: what is Actual Installer and what the advantages and features of this? Actual Installer Overview If you are a developer looking for a reliable, easy-to-use and efficient…

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Organizing Features and Components in InstallAnywhereOrganizing Features and Com

deployexpert created the topic: Organizing Features and Components in InstallAnywhereOrganizing Features and Com Components are the lowest level of organization in an installer. Each product must have at least one…

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