How to Insert and Read data from database using Controller.

First, make a Controller and View. To use the database query in the controller, we have to use database class (use DB;) in the controller. See the below image:-

Insert data into Database.

First, make a function in the controller in which define a variable which is equal to the insertion Syntax and echo the variable.


Where, R1 = Row1
R2 = Row2

See the below image for insertion of data into the database.

Now route the controller, start Laravel development server and open the page. As the page opens, the data inserted into the database and returns 1 as output. Now let’s check that our data is inserted or not.

Yeah, it’s inserted.

Read data from Database.

To read the data from a database we use get(). See the syntax below

$Variable= DB::table(“Table_name“)->get();

See the below image for help:-

See the output when we open the page. It shows all data inserted in the database.