Imagine having decided to take a computer-related course such as programming for numerous career opportunities. Unfortunately, you have a steep learning curve to overcome and time commitment to adhere to. You aren’t alone. Many aspiring and budding programmers find themselves in such situations. Thankfully, platforms like CourseNear provide flexible curated learning that ensures you can do the following programming languages seamlessly.
Known for its simplicity and readability, Python is one of the beginner-friendly programming languages you can learn on such platforms. Since it’s widely used in web development and data science, not to mention AI, taking a Python course will give you a lot of opportunities. For instance, you can become a data scientist or backend developer. It also has extensive support from developers around the globe. This means you can easily get help when you need it.
Learn this langauge if you want to become a full-stack or front-end developer. This is because this high-level versatile programming language is suitable for creating interactive elements. With frameworks like Node.js. and React Native, you can also go for it as a beginner. You will enjoy its simplicity and array of resources. Taking a course on JavaScript equips you to be a game or mobile app developer. You can also be a DevOps engineer. To test your understanding when learning it, work on small projects like building a calculator.
A programming language usable as a platform itself, Java is also easy to learn especially if you can put a lot of practice to it. This programming language can help you achieve error-free programming thanks to its runtime checking. Widely used for web development and backend systems, learning this programming language puts you in a position to be a web or mobile app developer. When learning it, focus on the foundational concepts such as syntax and data type for better understanding. It’d be best to also understand Object-Oriented Programming like classes and objects.
This modern, object-oriented programming language is your go-to option if you are yearning for versatility. C-sharp, as it is commonly known, is used to make an array of applications ranging from web and desktop apps to games. As an aspiring game developer, you should take a course on C#. While on it, use the IDE for code suggestions and when debugging. Like the other languages, understanding the basics like variables and regular practice would be best.
As a general-purpose, high-performance programming language, you should learn C++ if you aspire to work on OS or software requiring high performance. You can find it on online platforms like CourseNear.Its versatility allows it to be used in game and OS development. When it comes to learning it, ensure you understand memory management and pointers. It’d be best to master the C fundamentals before you go into C++ features.
Although the mentioned are common, there are other programming languages like SQL and Ruby that are used in programming. Other notable ones include but are not limited to Swift and Rust. PHP is also common among established programmers. Although with trends like AI and data science, it’d be best to take a Python course and position yourself at the forefront of the job market.