scmuser created the topic: Shell script program 2
Use a script to take two numbers as arguments and output their sum using (i) bc (ii) expr. include error – checking to test whether two arguments were entered?
tpatil replied the topic: Re: Shell script program 2
If I understand correctly your question, You want to pass 2 parameters to shell script and print the sum of those. Also, you want to throw error if the number of parametrs are less than 2.
if [ $# -lt 2 ]
echo "Usage: $0 arg1 arg2"
echo "\$1=$1"
echo "\$2=$2"
let add=$1+$2
let sub=$1-$2
echo -e "Addition=$add\nSubtraction=$sub\n"
Hope this helps…
renjith replied the topic: Re: Shell script program 2
while echo ” Enter two numbers :\n ” ; do
echo “Enter num 1: “; read A;
echo “Enter num 2: “; read B;
if [ -z $A -o -z $B ] ;then
echo ” Invalid input , pls enter again”
export A B
echo ” ************* MENU *********** \n”
echo ” 1. cal using bc “;
echo ” 2. cal using expr”;
echo ” enter you choice :”;
read c;
case $c in
1) sum=`echo ” $A + $B “|bc` ;;
2) sum=`expr $A + $B` ;;
*) echo “invalid option , run script again”
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
then echo ” Sum is $sum”
echo ” Script failed ”
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