Verifying that the Secure Shell Daemon is running

rajeshkumar created the topic: Verifying that the Secure Shell Daemon is running
To verify that the Secure Shell Daemon (sshd) is running you need to log in as root to the ESX Server host. Use iLO, Drac, or another management tool to log in directly to the console.

Log in to the console as root.
Type ps -ef | grep sshd.
Review the output.
If the SSH Server is running, the output appears similar to:

[root@server]# ps -ef | grep sshd
root 1079 1 0 Jan24 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
root 26367 26326 0 09:10 pts/0 00:00:00 grep sshd

If the SSH Server is not running, the output looks similar to:

[root@server]# ps -ef | grep sshd
root 26369 26326 0 09:11 pts/0 00:00:00 grep sshd

To start the service, ensure that it is enabled using chkconfig:

[root@server]# chkconfig –list sshd
sshd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

If the output does not match the example above, enable sshd startup by typing:

[root@server]# chkconfig –level 2345 sshd on

Start the service by typing:

[root@server]# service sshd start
Rajesh Kumar
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