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Deep Dive & Troubleshoot using Kubernetes logs & its Structure & Location

Here is a detailed table summarizing the log file locations, purposes, and use cases for Kubernetes logs:

Comprehensive Table of Kubernetes Logs

Log Directory/LocationLog File(s)PurposeUse Case
/var/log/containers/<pod-name>_<namespace>_<container-name>-<container-id>.logLogs for each container in the pods.Debugging container-specific issues.
/var/log/pods/<namespace>_<pod-name>_<uid>/<container-name>-stdout.log<namespace>_<pod-name>_<uid>/<container-name>-stderr.logstdout.log: Logs standard output.stderr.log: Logs standard error.Debugging container logs specific to pods.
/var/log/kubelet/kubelet.logaudit.logerror.logkubelet.log: Node-level kubelet events.audit.log: Logs kubelet actions.error.log: Kubelet error logs.Diagnosing issues with pod scheduling and node management.
/var/log/kube-apiserver/apiserver.logaudit.logerror.logapiserver.log: API server events.audit.log: API request trails.error.log: API server errors.Monitoring API requests, failures, and unauthorized access.
/var/log/kube-scheduler/scheduler.logerror.logscheduler.log: Logs pod placement decisions.error.log: Scheduler-related errors.Debugging pod scheduling failures and resource allocation.
/var/log/kube-controller-manager/controller-manager.logerror.logcontroller-manager.log: Logs controller activities.error.log: Errors in controller manager.Troubleshooting replication, scaling, and resource management.
/var/log/etcd/etcd.logsnapshot.logerror.logetcd.log: Main etcd datastore logs.snapshot.log: Logs for etcd snapshots.error.log: Logs etcd errors.Debugging cluster state synchronization and data corruption issues.
/var/log/containerd/containerd.logerror.logcontainerd.log: Logs container runtime events.error.log: Errors related to container runtime.Debugging container runtime (image pulling, container start).
/var/log/network/cni.logflannel.logcalico.logerror.logcni.log: Container Network Interface logs.flannel/calico.log: Specific network provider logs.error.log: Network errors.Troubleshooting pod networking and connectivity issues.
/var/log/node/syslogmessagesdmesg.logauth.logerror.logsyslog/messages: General system logs.dmesg.log: Hardware/boot info.auth.log: SSH and sudo authentication logs.error.log: Node-level error logs.Debugging hardware, authentication, and boot issues.

Detailed Explanation of Logs

Log TypeComponent/ServiceKey Focus
Container LogsIndividual Pods/ContainersApplication-level logs (stdout and stderr).
Node LogsKubelet and System LogsLogs at the node level for resource management.
Control Plane LogsScheduler, Controller ManagerLogs for cluster-level management and decisions.
API Server LogsAPI ServerTracks API requests, errors, and audit trails.
Networking LogsCNI Plugins (Flannel, Calico)Network-related logs and troubleshooting.
Datastore LogsetcdLogs related to cluster state storage and retrieval.
Runtime LogscontainerdLogs for container lifecycle management.

This table provides a clear breakdown of each log directory, its log files, purposes, and common use cases, making it easy for administrators to locate and analyze logs effectively in a Kubernetes environment.

Kubernetes Logging Directory Structure Tutorial

Root Directory (/var/log/)

The main logging directory in Kubernetes contains several important subdirectories:

1. Container Logs

  • Contains logs for each container in pods
  • Naming format: -.log
  • Useful for debugging individual container issues

2. Pod Logs

  • Contains namespace-specific pod logs
  • Structure: /
  • Two important log types:
  • stdout.log: Standard output logs
  • stderr.log: Standard error logs

3. Kubelet Logs

  • kubelet.log: Main kubelet service logs
  • audit.log: Kubelet action audit logs
  • error.log: Kubelet error logs

4. API Server Logs

  • apiserver.log: Main API server events
  • audit.log: API request audit logs
  • error.log: API server error logs

5. Scheduler Logs

  • scheduler.log: Pod placement logs
  • error.log: Scheduler error logs

6. Controller Manager Logs

  • controller-manager.log: Controller operations
  • error.log: Controller manager errors

7. etcd Logs

  • etcd.log: Main etcd database logs
  • snapshot.log: etcd snapshot logs
  • error.log: etcd error logs

8. Container Runtime Logs

  • containerd.log: Container runtime logs
  • error.log: Runtime error logs

9. Network Logs

  • cni.log: Container Network Interface logs
  • flannel.log/calico.log: CNI provider specific logs
  • error.log: Network-related errors

10. Node Logs

  • syslog: System level logs (Ubuntu/Debian)
  • messages: System logs (RHEL/CentOS)
  • dmesg.log: Hardware/boot logs
  • auth.log: SSH/sudo authentication logs
  • error.log: Node-level errors

Best Practices for Log Management

  1. Regular log rotation to prevent disk space issues
  2. Implement log aggregation solutions
  3. Set appropriate log levels
  4. Use namespace-based log organization
  5. Monitor error logs frequently
  6. Implement log retention policies

Common Log Investigation Commands

# View container logs
kubectl logs <pod-name> -n <namespace>

# View previous container logs
kubectl logs <pod-name> -n <namespace> --previous

# Stream logs in real-time
kubectl logs -f <pod-name> -n <namespace>

# View logs with timestamps
kubectl logs <pod-name> -n <namespace> --timestamps=true

This directory structure allows for efficient troubleshooting and monitoring of all components in a Kubernetes cluster, from individual containers to system-level events.

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