Chef Tutorials: chef-automate commands line reference

chef-automate [command]

Available Commands:
  applications               Manage applications observability features
  backup                     Chef Automate backup
  config                     Chef Automate configuration
  deploy                     Deploy Chef Automate
  external-cert              Manage Chef Automate's external certificate
  gather-logs                Gather system diagnostics and logs
  help                       Help about any command
  iam                        Chef Automate iam commands
  info                       Info about Automate HA
  infrastructure             Chef Automate infrastructure
  init-config                Initialize default config
  init-config-ha             Initialize default config for Automate HA
  internal-ca                Manage Chef Automate's internal certificate authority
  license                    Chef Automate license management
  maintenance                Put Chef Automate into or out of maintenance mode
  migrate-from-v1            Migrate from Chef Automate v1
  migrate-from-v1-status     Watch the status of the migration to Chef Automate 2
  preflight-check            Perform preflight check
  provision-infra            Provision Automate HA infra.
  restart-services           restart deployment services
  secrets                    Set secrets to Automate HA
  service-versions           Retrieve the versions of the individual Chef Automate services
  ssh                        SSH into Automate HA servers
  start                      Start Chef Automate
  status                     Retrieve Chef Automate status
  stop                       Stop deployment
  system-logs                Tail Chef Automate logs
  test                       Run Automate HA smoke tests
  uninstall                  Uninstall Chef Automate
  upgrade                    upgrade automate to the latest version
  version                    Show CLI version
  workspace                  Set workspace env for Automate HA.
Rajesh Kumar
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